☆ 5 HIS Stutent Outcomes ☆

Active Learner
Community Contributor

Critical Thinker & Problem Solver
Effective Communicator
Person of High Character

Saturday, 12 April 2008

Today in class, we were working on our iMovie for our project. I'd say that I was an active learner because I the iMovie that I was using was in a different version with the one that I've been using before my laptop was broken. And so, when I was using it to do my project, I was also learning to use this version of iMovie, by myself. I would have asked questions if I had any problems, but I didn't seemed to have a lot of problems. However, the only question that I've had was 'how to record my voice by this version of iMovie?' But Mr. Carpenter taught me before I asked him, so I didn't really ask him anything during class. Bascally, I was just working on everything on my own during the class. :p