☆ 5 HIS Stutent Outcomes ☆

Active Learner
Community Contributor

Critical Thinker & Problem Solver
Effective Communicator
Person of High Character

Thursday 22 January 2009

'A Japanese spacecraft is due to launch on a mission to help scientists understand and monitor how the Earth's climate is changing' - Climate satellite set for launch, BBC News.

I belief that fpr most of the people who lives on Earth, has noticed about the seriousness of global warming. In which the Earth's climates change unusually throughout years, and for most of the cases, the temperature on Earth rises.

In the article Climate satellite set for launch, it is basically talking about a Japanese spacecraft, Gosat, is to identify and monitor sources of CO2, to support compliance with international treaties and agreements. Gosat will measure 2 different greenhouse gases, CO2 and CH4, by 2 sensors. These sensors that Gosat will be using in order to measure the greenhouse gases are the Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS), and the Cloud and Aerosol Image (CAI). The purpose of measuring the greenhouses gases, is that it can help scientists to understand and monitor how the Earth's climate is changing. Which is one of the major global issues on Earth.

Gosat is set to blast off between 0354 and 0416 GMT on Friday from Tanageshima.

I'm glad to see that people are trying to figure out ways to solve global warming. I think understanding how the climate has been changing is definitely important because this way, people will know what exactly the problem is, and then it'll become easier to solve, or at least reduce global warming.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

'The headline Retail Prices Index (RPI) measure fell to 0.9% from November's 3% rate, the biggest fall in 28 years.' - BBC Business.

One of the major issues in now-days' current event is that the economy of the entire world is collapsing. In the post Big fall in UK inflation to 3.1% , from the BBC Business News, it's basically talking about how serious the falling of UK inflation is today. In fact, not only how serious of a problem it is to the UK. Although such issue, the falling of inflation, is actually happening in every other countries on Earth.

In order to reduce the rate of inflation, there are discounts being displayed, especially during the days before Christmas. This reminds me about Taiwan, in which shops also do a lot of sales so that people will actually buy something during this horrible situation, when the world's economy is collapsing, many unemployed people, and poor people. However, doing sales is only one of the solutions for reducing the falling of inflation.

I have to be hones that there are a lot of things in this article that I don't understand. Such as some of the representing rates. However, I don't think there is any biases in this article because it's basically just telling how's the UK doing with the big fall of inflation effecting it.

Sunday 4 January 2009

1.How do Paiwan people show their respect to the animal they hunted?
Paiwan people show their respect to the animals that they hunted by wearing their tusks, teeth and even feather on their head.

2.Why archery is so important to Bunun people? How did fathers train their children to be an archer?
Archery is important to Bunun people because hunting is a part of their life. Fathers train their children to be an archer by teaching them shooting skills with deer ears -- before the 1st hunt, children practice their shooting and aiming skills on deer ears.

3.Why are bats welcomed by Ancient Chinese culture? But in western societies, why do people regard bats as nuisance?
Bats are welcomed by Ancient Chinese culture because they belief that bats can trace away evil spirits. However, western societies regard bats as nuisance because they are considered disgusting and dirty.

4.This video shows a lot of living extinct animals in Taiwan. Please choose one animal that impressed you the most and describe its habitat and its way to survive in the natural environment?
The frog that lives in a bamboo impressed me the most. I'm impressed by its habitual behavior. Which is that every male frog has their own bamboo; after mating, the female frog will lay her eggs in the male frog's bamboo and leave the bamboo; and then the male frog will protect the eggs until they become tadpoles, then he leaves the bamboo; then, the female frog comes back to the same bamboo (it's amazing that she's able to do this) in about once a week, feeding her babies (tadpoles).

During today's SMASH day, we did an activity which each group had to get their marbles, passing point-stickies, and into a cup at the end. There are point-stickies of 10 and 15 points, placing randomly on the table. During the activity, we could use anything to block, bounce, or lead the marble to the point-stickies. However, in one condition, we have 2 chances but could only flick the marble twice in each role -- flicking only.

I was a critical thinker and an effective communicator while participating the activity. It's because that first of all, we had to think of a way to get the marble passing as many point-stickies and get as many points as possible; and secondly, we were working in groups, in which communicating was a really important skill for us to succeed the task. For some specific example of how I showed that I was a critical thinker and an effective communicator is that I've been thinking how the marble would bounce if I put the plastic cardboard in a certain position, and then I discussed with my group mates about my ideas, then finally we tried if it worked together.

- [Picture. Copied by Jez. 5th of Jan. 2009]