☆ 5 HIS Stutent Outcomes ☆

Active Learner
Community Contributor

Critical Thinker & Problem Solver
Effective Communicator
Person of High Character

Wednesday, 10 October 2007


Today was another presentation day, everyone were nervous, well...I don't know the boys, but I know the girls did. I was nervous because I thought that this project that Grace and I had done wasn't very good, I saw Connie and Eunice's befre the class started, the did like 11 pages but we only did 7, and our topic, The Han Dyasty was sort of included all the other topics. And the project was on Grace's laptop, so I thought she might had add some informations or pictures on it to make it better, but unfortunately, she didn't. So even whe other groups started to present, I had to add somethings in it. However, Mr. Burghauser said that everyone's work were wonderful, so I guess we were just...wonderful, so I don't have to worry about it anymore. After the presentatoon, Mr. Burghauser told us a little about the Society Mobility 'Old Money' and the 'New Money', which was related by the question, 'How's the different between the Han's Society and nowdays?' But in one of the Chinese sayings said that 'one's wealthy won't last for 3 generations.' So, those people that lives with the 'Old Money' will have to beware about that.