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Monday 9 March 2009

Current Events

1. Virus 'triggers child diabetes'

'Although genetics is known to play a fairly substantial role in a person's risk of developing diabetes, environmental factors must also be involved and the idea of a viral cause of diabetes has been considered for decades. '-- Virus 'triggers child diabetes', BBC News

The south west-based Peninsula Medical School and the University of Brighton allowed Dr. Alan Foulis to to look for evidence of the enteroviruses in tissue samples routinely taken during autopsy in 72 children and compare that with samples from 50 children without the condition. As the result, in those with diabetes who had signs of the virus, it was specifically found in the insulin-producing beta cells. Also, moreover, the researchers suggested that in children with a genetic predisposition to type 1 diabetes, enterovirus infection can trigger the immune reaction that kicks off the disease process; but with type 2 diabetes, the researchers speculate that the infection affects the ability of the cells to make insulin, which in combination with the greater demand for insulin in obese people, is enough to set off the disease.

However, the news Virus 'triggers child diabetes,' tells us that not only genetics have played a role in a person's risk of developing diabetes; environmental factors have been involved as a role that could cause a person's risk of developing diabetes as well. In specific examples, both genetics and obesity could cause diabetes, and effect ones' immune trigger.

2. Tsvangirai rules out foul play in fatal crash

'"It's certainly plausible that this was just one of those tragic things," he said.'-- Tsvangiral rules out foul play in fatal crash, CNN News.

The News
Tsvangiral rules out foul play in fatal crash, is basically about that Tsvabgural, a person who has long been a leading opposition figure in Zimbabwe, but he joined a coalition government with Mugabe last month, had a car accident. But somehow, people are arguing that either the car accident was just an accident or it was a plan of taking Tsvangiral's life.

Noticing a car accident of a leader, such as Tsvabgural is normal. However, personally, I think being suspicious about this is quite unnecessary, yet, it is what strong political views give us. Therefore I think people should be more compromise-able, especially when dealing with things that are related to different political views. This way, we then may all live under a peaceful political party, isn't it?


Unknown said...

Some interesting articles you have chosen. The car crash article seems a little weird.
cheers, Mr. Laffin