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Thursday 26 March 2009

The article, Geese decline 'caused by climate,' from BBC news, tells that the RSPB has warned that the decline in Hampshire's population of brent geese may be caused by climate change...

'To keep population levels stable, around 15% of a wintering flock should be young. This year, it's less than 1%,' said Chris Cockburn, the RSPB Langstone Harbour warden. These brent geese breed in one of the coldest place on earth, where it's extremely sensitive in any changes of its temperature. Therefore the climate change, which the general temperatures on earth are rising, has highly effected the breeding of the brent geese. They wouldn't be able to breed normally under such climate change.

In addition, I'd like to make a connection between what happened in this news article and what we've been learning in 09 humanities. We've been learning based on the topic 'why do civilizations collapse?' In which we've learned that one of the factors that causes a civilization to collapse is climate change. Therefore, as a result, in this case the climate change is causing the 'civilization' of the brent geese to decline.

P.S. The other possible reason for the decline of brent geese may also because that the Arctic foxes has taken the youngsters and the eggs.