Triangle Offense Video!14 years ago
Spring15 years ago
Saturday, 29 August 2009
'According to the Mayan prediction, the 21st of December, 2012, will be the end of the world.' This is the main theme of an up coming movie called 2012. It might seems quite foolish to worry about something that happens in a movie, but what if it is real? 2012 is not as far from now as we thought. In fact, it's only 3 years later!
In the movie, there are scenes of hundreds of aerolites shooting down from the sky, buildings collapsing, ocean drowning the land, and earth cracking...etc. However, according to the information from So The Maya's Were Right After All, the Mayans had never predicted anything specific about what will happen on the day. The thing that is known, is basically that on this day, the Sun will be posited on an unique spot. Which the Sun will sit precisely on the heavenly crossroads between the Milky Way and the galactic equinox, forming a perfrctly alignment with the center of the galaxy.
Personally, I think what happens on the day, in the movie, is quite unbelievable, and unrealistic because first of all, everything just happens so suddenly; and further on, I've been thinking that maybe things are already happening right now, instead of all happening at once on the day. The climates have been changing oddly, and there are more and more natural disasters been occurring such as Typhoon Morakot in Taiwan on the 7th of August, 2009. Also, Earth's magnetic field is in a constant state of change. And so the Earth might have been gradually devastated until the day of the 21st of December, 2012. Though, what will happen specifically is still an open question. In fact, I believe that to many people, it's still a question that rather the day is real or not.
Hoever, What should we do if it is true that the world ends on the 21th of December, 2012? Should we just lay back, doing nothing, and wait for this very day to come? Should we start running around, screaming, and panic? Or, with all those highly progressed technology, and those smart brains that we have in our world, it is possible for us to do something about it?
- http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/Y2003/29dec_magneticfield.htm
[Info. of Earth's inconstant magnetic field, copied by Jez. 30th of Aug. 2009]