☆ 5 HIS Stutent Outcomes ☆

Active Learner
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Critical Thinker & Problem Solver
Effective Communicator
Person of High Character

Monday 9 November 2009

Trip to 'Spring Pool'

The 10th of November, Tuesday. Spring Pool is the name of a glass factory near the end of Neo-poo Rd., Hsinchu. Today, 3 classes from our school, the 8th grade art, the Chinese culture, and the art core class, which is the class that I'm in, went to visit Spring Pool. In the factory, I realized that there were only a several of workers, but many running machines. We had a tour going through the factory. We saw professional glass workers blowing glasses, and also making animals out of glasses. It was quite impressive that the worker could make a penguin out of glass in less than 5 minutes.

Because of the machines, the paths in the factory seemed quite narrow, however, every workers were being very careful in the environment. I've noticed that every workers were wearing gloves. Also, I've noticed, from each of their face expressions, that they were all very concentrated on their works. Further on, the works in the factory seemed to be divided. Workers had different jobs, and were to be responsible for each of their individual jobs. For example, I saw about 5 people working on a cup-making machine, and 2 women, standing near the gate of the factory, making sure that the surface of certain glass productions were even. As a result, even though I may not understand all the jobs that the workers were doing, but I could tell that they were all working together.

After the tour, we went to a room where they exhibit completed glass works, including cups, vases, goblets, and glass-made-arts. In the room, we met the manager of the factory. Through the manager's introduction about the factory, we were informed that the factory uses recycled, and reuses glasses. Also, we were informed that the typical style of glass-made-arts from the factory is things that are related to traditional Chinese culture. For example, a glass-made-Li Yu. And moreover, our tour, a professional glass maker called Joy Huang, explained the reason of why Hsinchu is famous for its manufacturing of glass. She said, 'Because of the resources of natural gas and silicon(glass sand), the government chose Hsinchu to produce glasses.'

This was an interesting experience of looking at the process of how the glass productions, such as cups that we use everyday, were made. Also, it's interesting to see how is it like to work in a glass factory, how does glass turn into different shapes, and especially, how glasses were blowen up like a balloon!

- [Pictures. Copied by Jez. 10th of Nov. 2009]


Unknown said...

Fantastic Jez!
You have a good work ethic. Thanks for staying after class and writing such a detailed reflection.
Yes, I thought the factory was fascinating I could have stayed much longer watching them work.